73rd & Walnut

Glover Park & the Wisconsin Ave. Streetscape project

Wisconsin Avenue Survey

Go to the ANC 3B website and take a survey about the Wisconsin Avenue Streetscape Project. This is another chance to voice your opinion on whether you think the lane reductions have added value and safety, or gridlock and misery, to our neighborhood’s commercial strip.

Months after its completion, the conversation about the Wisconsin Avenue Streetscape Project is still alive. Councilmember Mary Cheh, chairperson of the DC Council’s Committee on Transportation and the Environment, is hosting a second roundtable on this topic on Wednesday, December 4, 2013, at 11:00AM, at the Guy Mason Recreation Center, 3600 Calvert Street, NW. Click here for more info.

You will recall one such meeting earlier this year, which resulted with the lanes north of Calvert returning to the original configurations. This has helped the flow of traffic go back to normal on that portion of Wisconsin Avenue. But the traffic remains difficult at certain times of day south of Calvert down to the Safeway.

My opinion:  the lane reductions have not calmed traffic as intended. On Wisconsin Avenue in Glover Park, I see angry drivers run red lights more than ever. I see cars dart around others and go into oncoming lanes of traffic or the painted median. The dedicated turn lanes are useful in some places, but are not necessary at some intersections where not many cars turn. While I would enjoy less cars on the road, the reality is that until public transportation catches up to our needs, we are still gonna have to hop into our cars. Reducing lanes on a busy stretch of road is not going to discourage driving, it just punishes everyone.

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